In the UK, every 6 in 100 people are diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder each week. No matter the reason behind anxiety manifesting, GAD can be a hinderance to anyone’s life and, with that, it presents challenges – including the process of seeking therapy. Those with anxiety are less likely to seek help due to the exact anxiety they need support managing. They may worry about meeting someone new, leaving the house, sharing their thoughts, or various other factors that may cause them stress. One simple solution comes with introducing online positive thinking training, eliminating one of the most common causes of stress: having to meet with someone in person.
The Brain Whisperer has curated online courses, under his BrainSparx programme, that cater for those who may be struggling with their way of thinking and looking for alternatives to CBT therapy. These online positive thinking courses may be the final push that you need to get your life back on track, leading you in the right direction.
There are a variety of benefits, beyond not having to leave your home, that can accompany these courses and today the team are going to share some with you!
A fresh outlook on your thought process
CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) has been a common method in the UK to treat those suffering with problems such as anxiety or depression for many years. However, whilst CBT has been an effective treatment option for lots of people (with or without the help of medication), this isn’t always the case. Around 25-50% of those who undertake CBT find it doesn’t help their thought process, subsequently ending their courses after 5-15 sessions. However, just because CBT doesn’t work for you, doesn’t mean other options won’t.
Online positive thinking training aims to retrain your brain in a way that challenges your thoughts. BrainSparx is all about understanding the why; why do you feel this way? Why do other people do the things they do? Why am I so anxious? Why do I worry? Often, these thoughts and feelings stem from a feeling of no control, whilst we are not in touch with the way we think. Once you understand how your brain works and the science behind why you think certain things, managing your feelings and thoughts becomes a lot easier.
Fitting in around your schedule
Are you juggling 6 or 8 things at once and struggling to take time for yourself? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This is a genuine day-to-day concern for many of those who seek help to change their thought patterns. However, worrying about fitting therapy appointments into your busy schedule can make things worse, only adding to the pressure you’re feeling. For many, this makes CBT sessions less effective from the outset.
At BrainSparx, it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, you can always access your account and get going with our online positive thinking training. The platform can be accessed by anyone, anytime, anyplace, anywhere, and on most digital platforms. It is designed for those who are coping with stress stemming from everyday life and aims to be flexible and accessible, with a view to minimising existing stressors, not adding to them. This makes our course perfect for those who work full time, lead busy lives, or simply find themselves rushed off their feet. You can complete the course in the comfort of your home, at your own pace, whenever you are ready!
How it works
Now you know some of the benefits to our BrainSparx course, let’s take a look at what it entails. The Brain Whisperer has divided this course into four sections: creating awareness, gaining knowledge, taking action, and auto-pilot enabled. Each area is broken down further to include things such as ‘How the Brain Works’, ‘Acceptance and rejection’, ‘Taking Ownership’, ‘Letting Go’, and ‘Wake up The Pilot’. These four modules aim to leave you questioning and re-evaluating how you think about your life, your thoughts, and your challenges.
BrainSparx is available for you to navigate at your own pace, with access to 52 videos, a course community, and regular podcasts. The BrainSparx team understand that you may have money worries; this needn’t be an issue. We offer the ability to pay monthly or all at once, allowing you to choose the option best suited to you
Contact us
If you are ready to take the next step towards a better way of thinking using our online positive thinking training course, then do not hesitate to sign up today! For further questions, get in touch with our team or call us on 020 7101 3566!