
Crush Your Day with My 3-Step Morning Routine

My tried and tested 3-Step morning routine will help you set the tone for your day ahead so you can stay on point and make sure you reach your goals.

Crush Your Day with My 3-Step Morning Routine

Are you feeling a bit meh after the holidays and struggling to find your motivation? Do you need some help in order to kickstart your day so you can reach your goals? I have a 3-Step morning routine that I use to set the tone for my day ahead that will help you stay on point and make sure you reach your goals.

Set Your Intent

The first step is setting your intent. It’s important to set expectations for yourself and go into the day with a positive outlook. Visualize what you want to accomplish and how you want to feel while doing it. For example: “Today, I’ll reach out to three new clients on my waiting list and have fun doing so”.

Become Aware

The second step is creating awareness. Before you get started on your task, take some time to observe how you’re feeling in the moment and what will help you get into the right frame of mind. Maybe it’s a walk around the block to clear some cobwebs, or playing your favourite tune to get your energy on point. This will help you start your day off on the right foot, setting your tone for the day.

Remember Your Big Picture

The final step is to think about your destiny or ultimate goal. Why are you doing all of this in the first place? Refocusing on the bigger picture or your ‘why’ can give you a sense of purpose, making any obstacle easier to overcome. Once you have gone through each of these steps, remind yourself of them throughout the day and tap into them when you need them.

After you’ve tried this method for yourself, consider trying it with your team. Just imagine what you could accomplish when you’re all on the same page! 

If you need any help with this, get in touch to discuss booking me as a speaker at your next company kick-off meeting or conference. 

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