
How To Stop Negativity at Work Through Mindset Coaching

Have you ever found yourself googling ‘How to stop negativity at work’? As a business owner, you want your staff to be as content as possible, for employee satisfaction fosters motivation and productivity. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to know where to start; changing the mindset of a work force can be notoriously difficult if you don’t know which steps to take. Luckily, that’s where I can help!

How To Stop Negativity at Work Through Mindset Coaching

Have you ever found yourself googling ‘How to stop negativity at work’? As a business owner, you want your staff to be as content as possible, for employee satisfaction fosters motivation and productivity. Sometimes, however, it can be difficult to know where to start; changing the mindset of a work force can be notoriously difficult if you don’t know which steps to take. Luckily, that’s where I can help!

I am Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, and I’ve spent 6 years developing methods that motivate employees through mindset coaching. I ask important questions like ‘how does the brain work?’ and ‘why do we do the things we do?’. Believe it or not, these questions hold the answers to stopping negativity in its tracks in the work place. By addressing these questions and shifting your employees’ mindsets, I proactively support businesses across industries.

Today, I am going to talk you through why negativity at work occurs and what you can do to prevent it negatively impacting your workplace culture.

What causes negativity at work?

There is a widely endorsed belief that most people hate going to work; we loathe the grind and long for our weekends, only to spend most of Sunday dreading going back. Whilst not everyone feels this way, it is incredibly common and, often, not many CEOs understand the root cause of such dissatisfaction. It is difficult to pinpoint one attributable reason, as there are usually a range of causal factors, all of which vary from person to person and business to business.

The following are just some factors that may be contributing to negativity in your business:

  • Excessive workloads causing stress
  • Worrying about the future (long-term job security) leading to feelings of anxiety
  • Lack of challenging work causing frustration
  • Insufficient recognition resulting in a decreased feeling of self

Finding the right motivation

Negativity can also stem from motivation. Yes, you heard me right! Motivation can be negative. If someone is motivated by fear, be that the fear of job loss or letting someone down, then this motivation, which I like to call ‘away motivation’, can cause negativity.

Individuals forget that motivation should not be spurred on by the desire to avoid failure; it should be ignited on by the desire to move towards something, otherwise known as ‘towards motivation’. When it comes to how to stop negativity at work, employees should have something to aim towards, instead of run away from. This will provide them with a stronger sense of self-esteem and achievement which subsequently increases their self-value.

The consequences of negativity at work

Evidently, employee negativity will have consequences for your business and the wider morale of your team. One third of employees say their managers and bosses don’t encourage open communication, often leading to these feelings festering rather than being dealt with. When this occurs and the problem doesn’t get solved, employees often believe their wellbeing is not a company priority, leading to low motivation. Negativity at work can also decrease productivity by up to 30% and increase absenteeism– all things employers would much rather avoid.

In the long-term, you may also find that your company’s reputation becomes tarnished due to talk about the negativity in your workplace. Ultimately, for a business to flourish it must ensure its employees are flourishing.

What does ‘mindset’ mean?

A mindset is a set of beliefs that shape how an individual feels and how they navigate the world. It creates the blueprint for how someone will react when faced with a certain situation or feeling. You can change and adapt mindsets through practise.

Mindset Coaching 101

This is where mindset coaching comes in, answering employers’ ever-present question: ‘how to stop negativity at work’. Mindset coaching involves teaching and practising a new way of thinking.

As a mindset expert, it is my job to teach your employees about the power of the mind and how they can reshape their thinking. Many of us are stuck in our ways and when we experience an emotion, we often believe this is the only emotion we are able to feel in that moment. However, the world becomes a lot simpler when people remember that they are in control of their own thoughts.

What you think, you become.

Contact Me

If you are a CEO who is looking to increase the productivity, motivation, and overall mental wellbeing of your team, then I can help.

As someone with a wealth of knowledge harnessed through vast research and first-hand experiences, I can come in and talk to your team, whether that be through a masterclass or a seminar. I will delve into the issues that workers often face and how they can positively process these occurrences. Within the masterclass, I can work with smaller or larger groups in an interactive session; they will develop an enhanced understanding of how we function as human beings and how to be aware of our own thoughts and actions, as well as how they affect others.

To book me for an expert masterclass, contact me today or call me on 020 7101 3566 – I would love to hear from you!


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