
Dr Ant The Brain Whisperer – My Services Explained

Hello, I am Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, and if you find yourself reading this blog post, it’s likely you may benefit from some of my services and expertise. I have been studying the brain and how it works for over 6 years, and through my own personal experiences of business success and personal loss, I have developed a real understanding of how human beings operate. Today, I’m going to give you a closer look at my services and why I offer them!

Dr Ant The Brain Whisperer – My Services Explained

Hello, I am Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, and if you find yourself reading this blog post, it’s likely you may benefit from some of my services and expertise. I have been studying the brain and how it works for over 6 years, and through my own personal experiences of business success and personal loss, I have developed a real understanding of how human beings operate.

Today, I’m going to give you a closer look at my services and why I offer them!

Who am I?

Firstly let’s start off with a little bit about me. As I said, I am Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, and in 2015, I decided I had to take control of my life. Prior to my wake up call, I had the life that everyone would dream of; fast cars, businesses, a decent home, boats, great kids, and all the material stuff that comes with having a lot of money. However, what I was missing was happiness, that content feeling, empathy, tolerance – I didn’t have time for anyone else but myself. I became so wrapped up in trying to be the best and continually out-performing myself, I forgot about those around me. I was obsessed! I was addicted to driving myself towards tomorrow’s goals and tomorrow’s objectives instead of focusing on the NOW.

I hit rock bottom in the summer of 2015. I had everything that people could dream of, however, I felt incomplete and very unhappy within my mind. The material gains I had were superficial and I was blinded by these. I was so focused on tomorrow’s achievement that I never actually achieved anything. Driven by an intangible target, (to move away from my early life inferiority which didn’t actually exist anymore) I struggled to take ownership and responsibility. Everything started to cave, and I committed financial suicide, making self-inflicting blow after blow based on poor judgements from a position of weak self-worth.

One day, I realised that my thoughts, values, beliefs, and opinions only exist in MY mind. There was no one else in my head, only me and it was me that had created these desperate thoughts. From that moment forward, I knew I had to take control and I knew I wanted to help others rise from this horrible place.

The following are services I can offer for those who are in a similar position to the one that I was, or those who are in a CEO position looking to motivate their team.

Masterclass for Business

First up, I offer a masterclass that is tailored towards businesses wishing to move forward with change proactively. No matter the size of your cohort, big or small, I can come in and speak to your team, giving them a masterclass on how to understand change and motivate themselves positively.  I will also teach them new skills to enable a happy and fulfilled approach to work life. My own experiences allow me to competently delve into issues that workers often face, showing your employees how to deal with the emotions that these situations bring in a more controlled way. Attendees will come away from this masterclass with a developed understanding on how we operate as human beings. They will also learn how our minds work, why we do the things we do, and how they can feel differently.

Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer: Event public speaking

My signature talk discusses many aspects of mental wellbeing but ultimately covers the feeling of being happy and fulfilled. Within my time with you, I cover the awareness of our emotions and choices, showing you how to take control and deal with situations with whichever emotion you decide. My expert public talks are available for SMEs or larger businesses looking to motivate their team and promote a positive working environment.

Harley Street VIP Therapy

Sometimes, the pressure of being in a position of power or in the public eye, can be tough. I have been through the same things you are going through and have experienced the business rollercoaster first-hand. The biggest challenge I faced was having to go through it alone. This is why I am here to lend a listening ear and helping hand. Using my expertise on how we as human beings, feel, do, and act, I can help you navigate the challenges you are facing.

Contact Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer

If you like the sound of any of my services and my methods, then get in touch with me today! To find out more about my services or my soon to be launched book ‘Quick! Wake Up The Pilot’ by Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, call me on 020 7101 3566 today – I would love to hear from you!

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