
Stop Procrastinating Now: How to Trigger the Feel-Good Chemical in Your Brain & Get Stuff Done

Are you tired of putting things off until the last minute? As a mindset expert, I know how difficult it can be to overcome procrastination. But what if I told you that there's a chemical in your body that can help you beat it? In my latest blog post, I reveal how dopamine can help you stop procrastinating and share three simple tips to get you started.

Stop Procrastinating Now: How to Trigger the Feel-Good Chemical in Your Brain & Get Stuff Done


Today I want to talk about something we all struggle with – procrastination. What if I told you that procrastination could be treated with a chemical that is produced by your own body? That chemical is called dopamine. It’s the reward chemical that makes you want to do things because it feels good.

Now, let’s talk about the challenge of procrastination. We often put things off until the last minute, just in case. But I have found three really good tips to help remove procrastination from our lives.

The first tip is to write down little steps and just do things bite by bite. Create a to-do list and tick things off as you complete them. You can do this on a piece of paper, but don’t make the list so big that it becomes overwhelming. Just write down what you need to get done.

If you have a big task that needs to be done, write down three small things that you can do to get the task started. We don’t have to complete the task in one go, just get it started. When you complete these small things, tick them off your list. This will give you a feeling of accomplishment and trigger dopamine in your brain.

In short, here are the three steps:

  1. Write down little steps and create a to-do list
  2. Break down big tasks into three small things that you can do to get it started
  3. Tick off completed tasks on your list

Remember, when you tick off things on your list, it feels good and dopamine is triggered. This will help you take action and get things done.

Need more help?

If you want to learn more about how to change lanes from a life on autopilot to a clear, calm path leading to your dream life, then click this link to get my free e-book starter library. It includes an e-book about how to find your purpose and an e-book about how to deal with anxiety.

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