
Positive Mind Practice in The Workplace

My name is Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, and I can help employees turn their workplace mindset around completely. Through masterclasses and seminars, I can impart my knowledge with your team to impact them in a positive way. Today, I’m going to talk about positive mind practice at work and how the answers lie in our emotions!

Positive Mind Practice in The Workplace

Everyone knows that if you don’t have positive mind practice in place within your workplace, you are likely to find your day-to-day life extremely difficult. Whilst we all recognise that work should be a place we enjoy going to and not loathe or fear, many can struggle to put this positive mindset into place. Now, this isn’t because they don’t want to, but they are simply not equipped to as they don’t know how!

This is where I come in. My name is Dr Ant, The Brain Whisperer, and I can help employees turn their workplace mindset around completely. Through masterclasses and seminars, I can impart my knowledge with your team to impact them in a positive way.

Today, I’m going to talk about positive mind practice at work and how the answers lie in our emotions!

Conscious mind VS unconscious mind

To first understand how to work towards positive mind practice, you need to understand the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. In simple terms, our brains run on 95% unconscious mode, or autopilot, as it is more commonly known. This allows it to do the things we need to stay alive like breathing and other things you have learnt and can now do unconsciously (driving, writing, speaking etc). The other 5% is our conscious mind. This is how we gain awareness for the things we do, the imagination and creation. Although our conscious mind is a wonderful thing, most of our thoughts are processed in unconscious as the conscious mind doesn’t have the power to run them all.

In our unconscious mind, we are programmed to react to things in certain ways. This is a learned process that has no thought behind it. However, your conscious mind has the power to interrupt these automatic thoughts with awareness. When you become aware of how you react to things your conscious mind can over take, and you can adjust your thinking and how you deal with a situation. Unfortunately, the conscious mind also has the ability to create feelings that don’t exist. These feelings and emotions can interfere with your daily work life and cause issues for you that didn’t exist in the first place.

Emotions at work – positive mind practice

There are four key emotions that we as humans experience: anger, fear, sadness, and happiness. All other emotions are mixtures of these. Emotions are learned as we grow up, eventually, these are stored in our unconscious mind, and we react to things without even thinking using these learnt emotions. In order to change how you react to stimuli, you need to be aware of your emotions. This can in turn, lead to positive mind practice and a happier workforce.


Firstly, let’s talk about anger. Anger is a basic human emotion stemming back to prehistoric times when we were only designed to deal with basic stimuli. Now, the world is much more complicated, and anger has a likelihood to crop up even more. Maybe something hasn’t worked on your computer, or you are angry at someone, or at something for stopping you from delivering what you need to; anger can be frustrating and yet, we can’t seem to help it… or can we? When you are feeling angry, just remember that the only person who decides to be angry is you and you can also stop that emotion just as easily.


Fear exists to protect us and yet it can be disabling. Anger may give you a drive to move forward, but fear can stop you dead in your tracks. Fear is usually based on something that might happen, not something thathas happened like anger, is. The result of this is usually some form of anxiety, which can stem from job security worries, financial worries, deadlines, and other things. However, you don’t have to let fear control your life. As an emotion, fear stems from worrying about things that MIGHT happen. You need to stop worrying about the might and focus on the NOW.


There is no denying sadness hurts. It is a reaction to something that has happened, and it can usually be associated to loss. If you find yourself sad about something at work, it is important you focus on remembering that it is in the past. The event causing the emotion has happened and if you continue to dwell on it, it will continue to make you feel sad. It is important to move forward because, as human beings, we have to move forward to keep on living. Sadness drains your energy, and you are not serving yourself by clinging onto past failures. Learn to accept and live in the now to move past any sadness.


Arguably, happiness is the best emotion of these four, however, sometimes we wonder ‘what is happiness?’. I have managed to find happiness and I am here to tell you that it is NOW. Happiness is right here and now. It sounds so simple but when you allow yourself to be happy, you cancel out the negative emotions like anger, sadness, and fear. Over the years I have studied, I have learnt that the key to happiness is letting go of the things that do not make you happy, after all, why should you continue to be feeling those negative emotions?

Learning to have a positive mind practice

If any of these emotions are getting in the way of your daily work life, or you are a CEO/manager who has noticed your employees are succumbing to their negative emotions, then you may benefit from my business masterclass.

As someone who has studied these emotions within the workplace and has gained knowledge through first-hand experience, I can come into talk with your team and work with them so that they can become in control of their own emotions. I will delve into the issues that workers often face and how they can positively deal with the emotions these situations bring about. Whether you are a large or small business, I can work with you to ensure your employees develop an enhanced understanding of why they feel the way they do and how they can feel differently.

To book my services or to learn more about my expert masterclass, contact me today or call me on 020 7101 3566 – I would love to hear from you!

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